Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Today the babies had their 18 month check up and did great. They both had 2 shots but thats it now till they are 2 years old, and then its only one shot, so good news for them on that score...

Here are their stats as of today....


Weight        22.5lb (20th percentile)
Height         30.5in (10th percentile) I think they stretched her but I'll take it...
Head circ   48cm (85th percentile)

Verdict - A tiny tot with a big brain

Very pleased as Skye has always stayed off the chart for so long, its good to see her in the curve!!


Weight      26lb (45th percentile)
Height       33in (55th percentile)
Head Circ 47 3/4 (50th percentile)

Verdict - Great going for someone born 1 lb 9oz and 12 inches long !!!!

The babies also had a special based tooth protector applied by the Pediatrician which I had never heard of before. She painted it on their teeth with a brush and its supposed to protect their teeth against cavities for upto 3 months. Lets hope it was worth all the screaming and upset we had to get it on!!!!

Everyone has had a bath and gone to bed early tonight with a dose of Tylenol which i always do after shots, so lets hope its a quiet night because I'm guessing they will be up early!!!!

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